Monday, December 6, 2010

Polar Express

Polar Express is an animated movie. It is about a boy, the voice of Tom Hanks, who is doubting whether or not Santa is a real person. He boards a train with about ten other kids on it. The conductor of the train tells them that they are going to the North Pole. The boy still doubting doesn't believe the conductor or the other kids. On the train ride the boy meets a couple different people and in the end believes in Santa.

This is my favorite Christmas movie and I think that it proves a really good point, to never stop believing. I would recommend it to anyone.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Blindside

The Blindside starring Sandra Bullock, is about Michael Oher, Quinton Aaron, how he is born and raised in the ghetto and starts skipping school and at one point almost drops out. Then he is taken in by Leigh Ann Touhy, Sandra Bullock, and her family. They help him in school and transfer him to a new school, they teach him to never give up. He soon becomes an outstanding football player who gets many scholarships to play football.

I really liked this movie and thought that it was very inspiring. I also like how the family never lets negative energy let them down. I would recommend this movie to any one.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Without A Paddle

Without A Paddle is about three best friends: Dax Shepard as Tom, Mattew Lillard as Jerry and Seth Green as Jerry,  who go on an adventure for buried treasure after their best friend dies. On there way they run into a a mountain man who saves them from many accidents.

I thought that this movie was hilarious and would recommend to any one who is needing a good laugh.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Last Song

The Last Song stars Miley Cyrus as a rebellious girl who goes to live with her dad ,Steve Miller, for the summer. While there she meets a boy, Liam Hemsworth, Will Blakelee they meet because she is trying to save a sea turtle nest. She ends up going down the right path and learns many things.

I really did not like this movie, I thought that it was very stupid. I would not recommend it to anyone. I read the book and the movie is nothing like the book.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Secretariat is about Penny Chenery Tweedy ,Diane Lane, an how she takes over her fathers horse reacing farm after he ecomes really sick. At  the beggining of the movie Penny must decide to keep or sell the farm, while trying to make this decision one of her fathers racings mares has a colt and she decides to race it. She hires the best horse trainer and rider and soon the horse becomes a big name.

I liked this movie a lot because it showed how much will power Penny had, she also didn't want anyone to tell her that she couldne't do something. It was a heart warming movie, and you couldn't help to smile at the end of the movie.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland stars Mia Wasikowska as Alice and Anne Hathaway as the White Queen. Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. This movie follows the same story line as the Disney's Alice in Wonderland. For the people who have not watched the Disney's Alice in Wonderland, it is about a girl who follows a rabbit and falls down a hole into another world. It tells of her many adventures in Wonderland.

I really enjoyed this movie I thought that it was a lot like the original except for it didn't have any singing. It also seemed to be a lot more scary than I had remember it being. Over I really thought that it was a great movie and would recommend it to most anyone.

Monday, September 20, 2010

August Rush

August Rush. The movie consists of actors Freddie Highmore known in the movie as Evan Tyler. His birth mother ,Keri Russell, and his birth farther, Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Evan Tyler runs away from his adoption center and ends up meeting up with Robin Williams character Maxwell Wallace better known to the kids as Wizard. This movie is about a little boy ,Evan Tyler, who through music finds his mother and father and ends up bringing them all together.

My favorite part of this movie is how the little boy knows that his parents are looking for him even though everyone tells him that they aren't. It is also neat how everyone else has so many plans and goals for this little boy and the only thing he really wants to do is be united with his parents. Over all I thought it was an amazing movie and would recommend it to anyone.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Time Traveler's Wife

Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana star in The Time Traveler's Wife. Bana stars as a Chicago librarian who has a gene who makes him travel through through time. McAdams falls in love with Bana and they end up getting marrried. While they are married McAdams is always waiting aroung for Bana to travel back and forth through different ages of time. During all of this they end up having a child together. The little girl has the same gene that her father has. She travels to the future and sees that her father is going to die. This movie is a drama.
What I like most about this movie is that McAdama character still loves Bana's character even though they cannot always be together and the fact that both the little girl and the father have such a close bond because they both are time traveler's. I think that this movie is not a typical drama and it really keeps you wondering what is going to happean next.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lovely Bones

The lovely Bones is about a little girl and her fathers struggle to find her killer. The little girl in this movie loves to take pictures her family doesn't have much money so she is only allowed to develope one roll of film a month. The family doesn't realize it at first but the same man keeps appearing in the photos. This man is the man that ends up killling the little girl. She comes back from the dead to help her father find her killer.

The best part of this movie is when the cops and the family finally figure out who the man is that killed the little girl. This movie is very different than most movies. It has an unusual point of view coming from the girl who is already dead. I also liked how the father was not willing to give uo the fight even though most of the other people already had.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Sister's Keeper

My sister’s keeper is about a family that has a daughter who has leukemia and has been fighting leukemia cancer most of her life. The family also has a younger daughter who is healthy and has been giving her older sister all the organs she has needed. So in a way they had the younger daughter so she could give her sister all her vital organs. The younger daughter ends up suing the parents for rights to her body and the parents are in shock. What ends up happening you would never expect to happen.

My favorite part of the movie is when the youngest daughter goes in to talk to the lawyer. She hands him all the papers and he looks at her in astonishment. He can’t believe this little girl is so serious about suing her parents. Once he starts to read the story he realizes this little girl has a real fighting chance at winning. Over all I thought the movie was very touching and really tugged on the heart strings.